Democrats Just Unveiled Their Most Painfully Awkward Social Media Video Yet

Brittany M. Hughes | March 6, 2025
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Whether it’s putting out embarrassing montage videos of celebrities singing songs, Biden’s weird PSAs with the Jonas Brothers or some long-nailed gender-bending “influencer,” or Jasmine Crockett & the Projects lip-syncing to a rap song while strutting through the halls of Congress, congressional Democrats have proven one thing beyond a doubt: social media messaging isn’t exactly their forté.

And unfortunately for your eyeballs and general wellbeing, this week was no exception.

In what might be one of their most cringeworthy installments yet, leftwing lawmakers actually hit the “post” button on a social media video showing female (we think, hard to tell these days) legislators bouncing around in various martial arts-style poses like they’re trapped in a Tekken game from 1997, with “Choose Your Fighter” emblazoned on the bottom of the screen.

Watch the monstrosity for yourself:

Perhaps most hilarious are the descriptions under each "fighter". - including listing social media influencer Sulhee Jessica Woo (who is included in the video with congresswomen, for some reason?) as perpetually "sleep-deprived," branding AOC as a "Trekkie" (someone please fact-check that, I'm begging you), and telling us that Rep. Susie Lee has sprained two of her fingers (not that anyone cares at all).

Related: Purple-Haired Congresswoman Calls Trump Speech 'Vengeful' After Going Viral For Scowling All Night

While watching AOC or Crockett bob and weave like cartoon characters is bad enough, it’s made even worse by the inclusion of congresswoman like Reps. Katherine Clark and Judy Chu, who look like they’re about to throw a hip just trying to film their three-second part of the mash-up.

Thankfully, there are treatments for arthritis or a slipped disc. Unfortunately, there aren’t any for second-hand embarrassment.

Or rampant stupidity, it seems.

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