German Soccer Player Forced To Apologize For Saying He Wouldn't Sign a Pride-Themed Jersey

John Simmons | October 15, 2024
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VfL Wolfsburg striker Kevin Behrens was oh-so-close to making a bold stand against wokeness. But in the end, pressure from internal sources forced him to backtrack.

The 33-year-old German soccer player was signing autographs for fans when one fan approached him with a jersey that “featured a rainbow logo for the LGBTQ pride flag” on it. In a moment of unscripted courage, Behrens refused to put his name on the jersey.

"I won’t sign that gay [crap]," Behrens said, according to multiple reports.

Frankly, I don’t blame him for making that comment. This may come as a shock to liberals, but not every athlete is on board with the LGBT worldview that sports leagues shove down their throats. If Behrens feels this way about it, he should be allowed to say so!

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But unfortunately, he apologized for his actions after an internal discussion.

"My spontaneous comments were absolutely not OK. I would like to apologize for that. The issue was clearly discussed internally and I ask for your understanding that I do not wish to comment further on it," Behrens said.

Gosh darn it, the Thought Police win again.

Wolfsburg team captain Maximillian Arnold also condemned his teammate for his actions.

"Kevin apologized for something that was definitely not good. Everyone makes mistakes. One thing is clear: Something like this should not happen again, but everyone deserves a second chance," Arnold said.

Am I the only one that thinks the club and captain are way overreacting to this? All the guy said (maybe a bit crassly, I’ll grant) was that he didn’t want to sign a gay jersey. What's so wrong about that? I can guarantee you that if a soccer player said he didn’t want to sign a jersey with a Christian symbol on it, this guy would get off scot-free. No public apology, no internal shaming, no reprimand from the captain. But you say you don’t like the gay? You are a bad, bad man.

Doesn’t the hypocrisy of progressives drive you nuts?

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