'Shifty' Schiff Tries to be a Tough Guy to Trump & Supporters: 'Screw You and the Horse You Rode in On'

Nick Kangadis | March 7, 2025
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Oh, Sen. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.). Imagine being such a weasel you can pull the wool over the American people’s eyes for years about having “mountains of evidence” against President Donald Trump that never saw the light of day. There was “evidence,” but it amounted to less than nothing and questionable to the point it really couldn’t be considered evidence.

In his latest video message, “Direct to Donald Trump, " Schiff apparently thinks he's a tough guy.” The newly-minted senator focused his message on his belief that Trump's priority in getting done what he wants is to spread “fear.”

But, it was one message in particular where Schiff attempted to prove he’s some kind of tough guy.

“We need to be courageous. They come after me all the time. Elon Musk and Donald Trump, they call me a criminal, they call me a traitor, their MAGA minions online come after me to try to intimidate me, to create fear.

I tell you my response. My response to that is, ‘Screw you and the horse you rode in on.’”


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First, what do you call a member of Congress who repeatedly attacks their president with little to no evidence? Second, no one is trying to intimidate Schiff. People simply don’t like him, besides the people in his own state who support him. It’s not about trying to instill fear in Schiff. It’s about calling someone out who clearly only thinks about his own ambition and how he can take out people in his way.

By the way, “Shifty Schiff,” that horse you referred to earlier is the majority of Americans that gave politicians, even including you, that what you were doing wasn’t working. That horse is a mandate rebuking the corrupt way you and your friends on both sides of the aisle have done things for decades.

It’s not about fear, Adam. It’s just that no one likes you.


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