Woke of the Weak: When Losers Become Dangerous: Murder Is Not 'Hip'
Woke of the Weak: Smells like B.S., Something Is Rotten in Woke Academia
Didn't you know that civility and decorum is just a construct of white supremacy?
You'd think the people in power would take their loss as an opportunity for some soul searching...
For the past nine years, our cultural overlords have been using media pundits and and pop stars to beat everyday women over the heads with what we’re…
Adopting the personality and lifestyle of a modern day leftist typically means you suffer arrested development
In the name of taking down “unfair” and unattainable social norms, we’ve allowed the weakest and most unhappy members of our society to take the rest…
It’s beyond time for an open letter to all the race baiters and virtue signalers who think those of us who do not toe their thin line of dogmatic…
For an entire year, we’ve seen what woke is in its purest, form…and it’s a lot uglier than a hairy man in a dress.